When you were younger, it must have been like an earworm hearing the phrases, “Walk tall!” “Stand Straight!” “Sit Properly!” and “Lay Flat!”. While may react violently to these commands, remember that good posture does not only make you look confident; it also does wonders for your well-being. You’ll thank yourself if you have always been conscious of your spine alignment since childhood. It has a lot of benefits, not just from your head to toe, but also improves the functioning of your organs.
Bye-Bye Headache
Do you know that slouching or stooping may cause headaches? Poor posture can cause stiffness in the neck, leading to pressure in the head. To avoid this, you can do simple neck stretching activities plus head retraction. Aside from prompting you to have a good posture, this exercise will help release the tension from your head.
Fine Spine
A hunched posture while standing or sitting can put much pressure on the lower back. Once strained, you are bound to feel bothering back pain. Having good posture all the time decreases the stress placed on your spine. To manage back pain from poor posture and promote proper spine alignment, you may perform a few repetitions of the bridge’s workout.
Hi Energy
Do you notice that after having been seated for too long and not minding your posture, you feel somewhat sluggish? When being reminded to become more aware of your alignment and sit straight, you feel like you are somewhat refreshed. Having good posture takes away the feeling of exhaustion and increases your energy level. So next time you have slouched for a long period, do some torso twists to liven your core.
Better Digestion
When your spine is bent, the proper functioning of your abdominal organs is hindered. This may lead to indigestion, constipation or even acid reflux. So in order to keep your digestive system healthy, make sure to practice proper posture, especially after meals.
Mobile and Agile
When you slouch, you can’t march. It is basic knowledge that troops have the best posture. When your body is properly aligned, it won’t put too much stress on your bones and joints. You muscle strength will be at its optimum level; thus, making it easier for you to move and become more active.
Good Mood
Do you feel irritated easily? Do you get distracted or cannot stay focused? Try minding your posture. When you sit or stand straight, it improves your respiratory function. When you are able to breathe in the right amount of oxygen, it helps clear your mind. Having a relaxed mind improves your concentration and makes you feel good.
Confidence Boost
Have you noticed the body language of a person who is timid or have low self-esteem? Most often, the shoulders are droopy and their backs are hunched. Now, imagine a person full of confidence. They stand proud, right? Confidence and having a good sense of self- esteem starts with proper posture. To improve your body alignment to appear “tall” you can simply relax your shoulders, straighten your back and make sure your ears are parallel to your shoulder and your chin is parallel to the ground.
Whenever you are in a retirement community, team members can assist you further with your needs when practicing the proper posture. That way, you will feel revitalized all the time.