Strength training isn’t just for athletes like bodybuilders and gymnasts, it helps to enable even ordinary folks like us to feel healthier and overall, younger. Thankfully, strength exercises are accessible in how they are easy to pick up, without ever stepping into a gym or buying any specialized equipment. Exercise is a fountain of youth in its own right, and you and your loved ones can tap into it with these strength exercises.
Lying Hip Bridges
Start by lying flat on your back, knees bent and raised, with your feet flat on the floor. Next, squeeze your bottom and lift your hips, pushing down through your heels. Hold your hips up in this position for a count, before slowly lowering them back down to return to your default position. This exercise tackles a common symptom of aging that many experiences, which is tight and stiff hips. Lying hip bridges open up your hips, training your glutes, which works like a dream especially when you sit still for hours a day.
Wall Push-Ups
Stand approximately two feet from a wall, resting your hands against it shoulder-width apart, at shoulder height. Keep your body straight before bending your elbows, lowering your chest towards the wall. Lift your heels off the floor and hold this position, mimicking a push-up. Push against the wall and straighten your elbows to return to your initial stance. Wall push-ups are an easy-to-apply exercise that trains your upper body’s strength, particularly your chest area and arms.
Side Planks
Lie on your side as your starting position, supported by your elbow bent directly below your shoulder. Afterward, squeeze your core and lift your hips off the floor, using the sides of your feet until your body creates a straight line. Keep this position for as long as you can, before lowering your hips and returning to your default position. This spin on the planks we’re all familiar with is a fun way to train your side-to-side core stability, and strengthen your shoulder, a joint that many older adults experience issues with.
Wall Angels
As a default position, stand straight with your back against the wall, your feet a few inches away from the wall. Keep your arms by your sides, and the back of your head touching the wall. With your palms out, slowly raise your arms, raising them as high as possible without bending your elbows. Hold this position before lowering your arms and returning to start. Wall angels help to alleviate a common problem the elderly experience: back pain. Furthermore, they improve your posture, giving you an open chest and shoulders.
Stay Active in Your 50s with Us!
If you and your loved ones are looking to stay young and fit in your golden years, look no further than Morada Cy-Fair! Our people-focused approach emphasizes the importance of the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, focusing on health and fitness programs as well as a calendar full of social, and recreational activities. To explore how else our retirement community enables you and your loved ones to savor your golden years, discover our senior living options!