If you consider yourself an introvert, you may make a false assumption that independent living at a retirement community cannot offer you the peace and serenity that you get when you are alone. That is far from the truth! The retirement community provides you the freedom to decide when to interact with your friends, and when to engage with your own thoughts quietly. Read on to find out why the independent living center in Mansfield, TX, is suitable for introverts!
Ownership of Retirement Apartment
Introverts like to be alone with their thoughts in the comforts of their own home. At Morada Lake Arlington, we have a range of apartments that you can choose from. Your apartment is your safe and private space to decorate and be with yourself. Many residents also treat their apartment as their safe, personal space, and hence will respect your privacy too.
Ownership of Social Life
Introverts like to have ownership of their own social life. They do not like to be at the beck and call of others, and do not appreciate things that have been thrown up at the last minute. They are also very selective about who to hang out with. At Morada Lake Arlington, you are free to plan your daily schedule, arrange what activities to do, when to hang out and who to hang out with. This means that you have full control over your plans and social activities. So, not to worry, nobody at Morada Senior Living will force you to engage in any activities that you are not comfortable with.
Close-knit Group of Friends
It is known that introverts have few but very close friends. Introverts want to get to know their friends on a personal basis and build trust with those that they can rely on. You can socialize in this way in independent living because there are many introverts there too. You like-minded people may find each other to be kindred souls.
Quiet Activities
Independent living provides many activities where one can be alone. You can take a walk in the parks and reflect on your own surroundings. There is also a Resident Garden Space for you to commune with nature. Hence, while senior living is one of interactive fun, it is also a great respite to self-reflection and solitude.
Social Interaction is Crucial too
Introverts do need some help from time to time. For example, when completing daily tasks, it is important to have a wider social circle who can look after you when your close-knit friends are not around. A helping hand here and now will come a long way.
If you are an introvert and have been considering independent living for a while, look no further than Morada Lake Arlington! Our team members provide the best care as our priority is to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. So, do not worry that your introverted personality will not be a good fit for independent living. Instead, independent living will work around your individual preferences and social needs. Contact Morada Lake Arlington today for more information on our independent living programs!