Deciding to move into an assisted living community is a major step. After you’ve shortlisted a few ideal locations, you want to make sure you have all the information before making the final choice. Touring an assisted living community is one of the best ways to assess whether the place you have in mind is suitable. Make use of the following tips to get the most out of your visit!
Create a Checklist
Make a list of details you want to find out. Is the environment clean? What kind of activities are available? Write down any questions that came to your mind when you were doing your research. That way, when you visit the assisted living community, you can make notes and address these questions. When you compare different checklists you’ve made for each assisted living community you’ve visited, you can better evaluate which one best suits your needs.
Interact with the Residents and Employees
When you’re visiting the community, listen to what others staying there have to say. During your tour, ask if you can casually chat with residents currently staying there. Hearing what they have to say about life in the community is important. You can get a sense of whether they enjoy staying there. In addition, you should ask to speak with other team members besides your guide. Talk with the nursing team or administration team. Get different points of view and see what different employees have to say.
The attitude of your guide also plays a role. If they try to be pushy, give you one-sided opinions, or say anything that makes you think twice about moving in, know that you can always re-consider your options.
Visit the Surrounding Areas
The surrounding neighborhood of the assisted living community shouldn’t be overlooked. If you prefer serenity, you want to make sure the nearby areas are peaceful and quiet. It’s even better if there is plenty of nature surrounding the community. Green spaces are excellent for soothing your mood and offer opportunities for outdoor activity. Take a walk outside the community and see if you like what you see.
Find Out the Costs
The costs of assisted living vary across different communities. Speak with your guide to get the details and find out if you’re eligible for any financial assistance. Do your calculations to see if your ideal assisted living community falls within your budget.
Safety Is Key
Safety is likely to be one of the reasons why you want to move into an assisted living community. You want to be able to enjoy a richer life in a worry-free environment. When you’re touring, ask about the safety features inside the apartments. Also, check if medical assistance is available readily. Are there proper security measures in place? Is the neighborhood safe? You don’t want to stay at a place that puts your safety at risk.
Explore the Community
Your tour guide will give you an introduction to the community and tell you about the amenities and services. But you should take a walk in the community yourself to have an experience of what it’s like living there. After the formal tour, ask if you can visit the grounds on your own. Check out the dining room, see how activities are conducted, and see how employees treat the residents.