If you or a loved one could use a little extra assistance with daily living activities, then the Assisted Living option at Morada Waxahachie may be the perfect choice. Here, residents can receive personalized, professional care services 24 hours a day including showering or bathing assistance, medication management, continence management, glucose and insulin management, and more.
At Morada Waxahachie, exceptional care quality forms the foundation for everything we do. However, professional care is just one component of our community’s overall lifestyle.
Another important benefit is this: As one of our area’s only communities offering limited availability for Medicaid/Home and Community-Based Services Waivers, seniors can avoid unwanted institutional settings and opt to receive affordable, long-term care in the comfort of our community instead.
In total, Morada Waxahachie provides everything you or your loved one needs to live better, and for a price that’s attainable for area seniors. So why wait even one more day? Contact one of our Senior Lifestyle Counselors now at 972-430-2429 to see if Assisted Living at Morada Waxahachie is right for you or a loved one.
What to Expect from Senior Assisted Living
When considering Assisted Living services for yourself or a loved one, it’s important to remember that each person has varying needs and their own, individual likes and expectations for how they want to live.
At Morada Waxahachie, we recognize that no two people are exactly alike. That’s why we develop customized care plans to better suit the needs and abilities of each individual resident.
Choose Assisted Living at Morada Waxahachie for cozy suites and apartment homes, as well as our amenities dedicated to residents. Do it for our authentic, homestyle dining, senior-targeted wellness programs along with on-site medical protection and therapeutic services. We even offer help with daily living activities like laundry and linens, dining, and ambulation and transfers.
In all, at Morada Waxahachie, residents will always have a friendly, helping hand available wherever and whenever they require one, and have their independence respected when they don’t. Furthermore, families will receive all-important peace of mind, knowing that our professional team members are working hard to ensure their loved ones’ health and happiness.
Delivering practical, personalized, and affordable Assisted Living solutions is what we do, so choose Morada Waxahachie with confidence, knowing our community is the right choice for you and your family.
Our Senior Assisted Living Amenities
Our senior living community offers Assisted Living floor plans, from cozy suites to single bedroom apartment homes. Each floor plan provides dedicated living areas and storage equipped with a kitchenette (including appliances) and a generously sized bathroom engineered with resident safety in mind. This, however, is only the beginning, because when you venture out into the community, there’s even more to experience!
Plus, our senior-friendly lifestyle programs and services include:
Restaurant-Style Dining
Savor authentic, downhome flavors brought to you by our variety of menu options and specials. All at three meals a day supported with friendly tableside service.
Daily Activities & Social Events
A great variety of options for recreation and entertainment ensure that every day in Morada Senior Living brings opportunities for recreation, relaxation or new adventures to embark on.
Senior-Specific Health & Wellness
Wellness programs and regularly scheduled exercise, walking, balancing and plenty of other specialized classes for seniors with our professional team members help make health and wellness a key part of everyday life.
Complimentary, Scheduled Transportation
Free, scheduled trips to area shopping and dining locations, along with medical appointments and exciting local excursions.
Housekeeping & Maintenance
Housekeeping services keep residents’ homes and the surrounding community always looking neat and exceptionally clean.
Concierge Services
A concierge can always help with dining reservations, movie and event tickets, sending or receiving packages, and so much more.
Learn More About Senior Assisted Living at Morada Waxahachie’s Retirement Community
Senior Lifestyle Counselors at Morada Waxahachie are uniquely qualified to discuss with you the benefits of Assisted Living programs, as well as help determine whether life in our community is right for you or a loved one.
Call our team today at 972.430.2429 and schedule a personalized, guided tour of the community. Explore the amenities and even sample our chef-prepared cuisine. Learn more about Assisted Living at Morada Waxahachie, and come see for yourself why so many area residents are proud to call our community home!
Long-term care ombudsmen aid residents of a nursing facility or assisted living facility in resolving complaints. Seeking help from an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge. To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number 1-800-252-2412.