I love it here! Everyone is so nice and helpful. In the Dining Room, they know your name and what you want to drink. Very friendly staff. Sandy is very sweet and helps everyone. Brian is great!! He helps everyone. Leads exercise, Bingo and special events. Food is great! We have lots of puzzles to work, also word search and art projects. Beverly and Raymond are our drivers and are great. I have met so many nice people and mew friends just in the five months I have been here. I cannot say enough good things about this place. We have a theater, chapel, and exercise room. Everyone is so nice and friendly. In the Dining Room, we have nice white tablecloths (linen) and nice silverware and glasses. Maintenance people are the best.
We are in a good location with nice walking trails and have a wonderful courtyard with lots of beautiful flowers, trees, and birds. You could not find a better place to live where everything and everyone is the best. Thank you everyone for your hard service.
Dear Staff Members of Morada Lake Arlington,
I’m so pleased to enjoy the community of friendly residents in the comfortable, casual lifestyle here. The thoughtful kindness of the very professional staff members in the office, dining room, and residence areas is greatly appreciated each day in all daily needs. Shortly after the death of my husband, I moved here and quietly, with some tears, celebrated my 89th birthday alone. The COVID-19 rules prevented family gatherings of course as my family loved to do, usually for each person’s celebration.
Bryan very kindly brought a lovely cart decorated with flowers and refreshments for an instant birthday party in the hall outside my room! With helpers to celebrate also! I’m sure that was after his full day of work here and the kind staff members also who came. I will always remember their kindness and will pass along that kindness to new residents whenever I can.
Thank you for a wonderful community here!