I personally think that this is as good a place as you can find to do the things that we’re required to do at the age we are. You cannot improve upon the people the work here. They’re first class and they do an excellent job at what they’re required to do. I feel that I have been treated excellent by everyone here from workers and residents.
– Marcia C.
I love living here. Everything has been nice. I love teaching art here and love teaching people a hobby that they enjoy. When new people come and join the art activity, they find so much joy and excitement learning with us. I never thought I could teach others what I know, but it makes me feel so good that I’m able to teach people art. It’s fulfilling. I have a place where I feel that I belong.
– Jean W.
I love living here. The team is so nice and they always help me. The live music and dances are so fun. We get to stay active, I am not lonely here I have so many friends.
– Hatsue T.
I’ve been here about three years so far and I’ve been quite satisfied. My housekeeper is great and does a good job. I get along with all of the people here.
– Anna T.
I think this is a great place. It’s a bit expensive. But, I have a great maid service and maintenance service.
– Sue R.
I was able to paint a bookmarker. I had the desire to learn, I went one Thursday and asked miss Jean for help. She taught me my brushes, how to add details and how to make pictures come alive. My daughter thought it was so beautiful that she has decided to add it to her wedding decorations. This building and living here gives you a chance to express yourself…you get to help people again. You can join activities and help people. You’re included and taught things that you may have never known-by residents from all walks of life.
– Hope B.